Skip sit-ups – these four low-impact exercises are enough to strengthen your deep core muscles

Easy on the back, tough on the core

A man performing the core exercise farmer carries
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Sit-ups may be one of the oldest exercises in the book, but they’re also one of the most hated (alongside Bulgarian split squats). While they may target your external and internal abdominal muscles, they tend to favour those superficial ab muscles more. Plus, they can put a lot of pressure on your lower back! Not a fan? This four-move workout from fitness coach, Elise Young, not only hits more of those deep core muscles, but they’re easier on your lower back and joints too.

Strengthening your deep core muscles will also give you far more than just abs. It’ll help you execute bigger lifts in the gym (think squats and deadlifts), improve your stability, and improve your posture which, in turn can have a big impact on your mental health. A 2014 study published in Health Psychology found that those who sat with better posture during a stressful task had a more positive mood and higher levels of self-esteem, than those who slouched.

When we say this workout is ‘low-impact’ what we mean is there’s no jumping involved and, overall, it’s easy on your spine and joints. Some of the exercises will require either a dumbbell/kettlebell, or a heavy water bottle. Elise didn’t advise any reps or sets for these exercises, so we’d suggest aiming for three rounds in total (four if you’re doing it as a standalone workout). Rest for 30-40 seconds between each exercise and 60-90 seconds between rounds. Here are the exercises:

  • Weighted marches – 12/15 reps
  • Bird dogs – 12 reps each side
  • Suitcase carry – 20 metres
  • Bear hold – 20/30 seconds

Looking for more core workouts to add into your training? We’ve got plenty! If it’s a floor-based only workout you’re after, which doesn’t involve any planks or crunches, then this five-move workout is a great place to start. But, if you struggle being on your back, then a standing core workout may be better suited, and this one will leave your midsection on fire.

Bryony Firth-Bernard
Staff Writer, Active

Bryony’s T3’s official ‘gym-bunny’ and Active Staff Writer, covering all things fitness. She recently completed her Level 3 PT qualification with the PFCA to bring a deeper understanding of training techniques, fitness trends, and wellness advice to her writing. In her spare time, you will find her in her natural habitat - the gym - where her style of training is a hybrid of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Bryony loves writing about accessible workouts, nutrition and testing innovative fitness products that help you reach your fitness goals and take your training to the next level.