Three essential exercises you must include in your workouts to improve muscle strength

If you want to build solid gains, then you need to start with the basics

A man doing dumbbell lunges
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

No one's workout plan will ever look the same, facts. After all, the exercises you select will be dependent on your goals and experience. But, if you’re a new gym-goer it can be tempting to try and run before you can walk and do what everyone else is doing.

“A common mistake I see is that the average gym-goer will neglect certain exercises in favour of others, without having the necessary skill to execute those lifts correctly,” says Steve Chambers, Certified Personal Trainer and Gym Manager at Ultimate Performance.

“If you’re new to exercise, it’s important to nail the basics first, those lifts that don’t require as much technical skill to perform correctly and focus on mastering your form. This will create a solid foundation from which to lose fat and build muscle.”

So, what should you be doing then? Squats? Bench press? Bent-over barbell row? There's a lot to choose from, but hold your horses. Below, Steve shares three essential exercises every beginner will benefit from adding to their workouts if the goal is to build strength, muscle and lose fat. Gaunreteed, they may not be the sexiest exercises out there but, don't forget, solid gains are built on solid foundations.

1. Dumbbell Split Squat

A man performing dumbbell split squats

(Image credit: Getty Images)

You may be surprised the all-mighty squat isn’t here, being the ‘king’ of lower body exercises. However, when it comes to executing the movement correctly, it isn’t the easiest. “It’s a complex lift and a lot can go wrong if you’re a novice and your form isn’t perfect,” says Steve. His suggestion? The dumbbell split squat.

“They are one of the most underrated exercises ever and a lot of people avoid them because they can be brutal if you get them right. But they are such an effective, all-round leg exercise that targets all your major lower body muscle groups – quads, glutes, hamstrings.”

As well as boosting the strength and power in your legs, Steve also adds they’ll incinerate fat. “The metabolic demands of performing split squats on both legs as part of one single set means you’re doing twice as much work, so they’re super effective for burning fat.”

2. 45 Degree Dumbbell Chest Press

A man performing dumbbell flyes on weight bench

(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you’re looking to build a stronger, broad, muscular, chest, the default position is to get under the barbell and opt for the classic chest press. But, if you’re bouncing it off your chest or not lowering the bar low enough, you’ll be getting minimal bang for your buck. Steve suggests the incline dumbbell chest instead, pointing out that it can offer a better ‘mind-muscle’ connection. Not to mention, it’s also safer if you’re new to the gym and training alone.

“Because of the incline, it’s arguably more effective for building strength and size in your upper chest than the traditional flat bench press, because it really hits the upper fibres of your pecs.

“One tip I would recommend is to bring the dumbbells as close together as you can without them touching at the top of the lift, and really focus on squeezing your pecs as much as possible. It will give your muscles an extra stretch and ramp up the tension they’re under and allow you to focus on that all-important ‘mind-muscle’ connection, which is harder to achieve on the bench press.”

3. Prowler

Sled push

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

You probably know this as ‘the sled push’ and, thanks to the rise of HYROX, it’s become an even more popular exercise. But, for beginners especially, Steve says it can be used as a fiery finisher exercise to take your results to the next level.

“Most people prefer to end their session with isolation exercises, like bicep curls, which don’t require as much energy expenditure, and act as a form of respite after a tough session. But, if you really want to burn fat and build explosive power and endurance in your lower body, then make the prowler your finisher.

“It will dramatically ramp up your fat-burning and muscle-building prowess, and it can be done in a multitude of different variations to keep things interesting. I can’t promise you won’t crumple in a heap afterwards though!”

Bryony Firth-Bernard
Staff Writer, Active

Bryony’s T3’s official ‘gym-bunny’ and Active Staff Writer, covering all things fitness. She recently completed her Level 3 PT qualification with the PFCA to bring a deeper understanding of training techniques, fitness trends, and wellness advice to her writing. In her spare time, you will find her in her natural habitat - the gym - where her style of training is a hybrid of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Bryony loves writing about accessible workouts, nutrition and testing innovative fitness products that help you reach your fitness goals and take your training to the next level.