5 signs you need an ergonomic standing desk

Feeling a bit stiff or fatigued at the end of the working day? It may be time to switch things up

standing desk
(Image credit: TheStandingDesk / Unsplash)

Whether you work from home or within an office, the best standing desks can make a huge difference. They're a relatively new product, rising in popularity during the doomed days of Covid-19. However, unlike a lot of other trends at the time, they've remained well-liked across the board. 

As it's not always obvious, it can be challenging knowing what to look out for that indicates the need for a standing desk. The following issues may be better or worse on particular days, but if you recognise anything you're currently suffering with, it could seriously be worth considering buying one. 

As it's T3's Back to Class month, I've put together some of the signs that may indicate it's time to switch your current setup to include a sit-stand desk or standing desk. 

1. You're tired 

As expected, sitting for a long period of time will inevitably induce strong waves of fatigue. This isn't great if you're working from home, so if you're feeling a lot sleepier at your desk than anywhere else, it's a strong indicator that a standing desk will benefit you a lot more than a normal one. 

When standing, your brain will trigger your body to pump more oxygen through your blood, increasing your energy levels and alertness. Your boss will thank you for it, but your body will thank you even more. 

2. You feel unfocused at work 

Feeling jittery and unfocused at work can significantly reduce your motivation, which is far from ideal if you've got a long to-do list. A standing desk is great for combatting this as it'll trigger a neurological response that enhances mental alertness and concentration. The more you use one, the more your brain will associate your new position with sustained cognitive function. 

3. You find yourself slouching over your desk 

This is one we've all struggled with, but if you often find yourself slouched at your desk, it's time to prioritise your posture. Unlike seated positions, standing up engages core muscles, distributing weight evenly and naturally aligning the spine. You may not notice the difference right away, but switching this up will significantly reduce your risk of spinal problems. 

4. The scales are going up 

One crucial benefit of a standing desk is that it encourages movement and postural shifts, boosting your calorie expenditure and metabolic rate. In turn, this helps reduce your risk of gaining weight or attaining an obesity-related health issue. 

Therefore, if you find yourself sat for a long time or even eating your lunch at your desk without moving, it could seriously be worth considering buying one. Pair it with one of the best under-desk treadmills and you could even lose a few pounds. 

5. You have pain in your shoulder or back 

If you end your day end with tight muscles and sore shoulders, this could be a result of staying sat down throughout the working day. It may come in waves, but sitting for a prolonged amount of time can shorten and tighten vital muscles, something that can worsen with age/ 

When using a standing desk, all your muscles will start engaging and help keep your back and shoulders strong and flexible. 

Interested in more? Read what happened when we tried a standing desk for a month

Lizzie Wilmot
Staff Writer, Home

Lizzie is T3's Home Staff Writer, also covering style, living and wellness. She works closely with Bethan Girdler-Maslen, T3's Home Editor, ensuring all the latest news, trends and recommendations are covered. Outside of T3, Lizzie can be found mooching around Bath, attempting (or at least trying to) a new DIY project or spending time with family and friends.