Avoid these 3 foods before you get on a flight

Nobody wants a turbulent tummy…

man with his head in his hands
(Image credit: anyaberkut / Getty Images)

Getting prepared for a flight can be a stressful thing. The amount of things you have to remember is endless, especially if you’re responsible for those you’re travelling with as well. After you’ve packed your luggage (have a look at our 2023 guide for the best suitcase) and made it through security, you’re going to want to feel the best version of yourself before heading up into the clouds. However, before you head to the departures lounge, you should probably give your restaurant of choice a second thought. 

There’s now evidence which suggests that there are certain foods we should avoid before getting on a flight, whether it’s short-haul or long-haul. The transition between being safely on the ground to 35,000 feet in the air can be a huge contrast for our bodies, so it’s important to keep things as tranquil as possible when flying. Find out which 3 foods you should avoid so you know where to begin!

Before we begin, have a look at these 6 tips for looking after your skin before, during and after a flight. If you look after your stomach, you should be looking after your skin as well!

1. Apples 

Apples are considered to be one of the healthiest fruits out there, so you may be a little surprised to see it as the first food on this list. However, the high fibre content in apples is really hard to digest. With the combined pressure from being so high in the air, eating an apple before or on your flight can lead to bloating, constipation and excess gas. If you want a healthy kick before your flight, why not try lighter fruits such as oranges or mango?  

2. Fried food 

With many departure lounges consisting of fast food chains such as Burger King and Mcdonalds, avoiding fried food can be trickier than expected. However, you should know that whilst it’s delicious, fried food can cause particularly bad heartburn. They contain oil and have a high sodium level, ultimately leading to fluid retention which can cause heartburn and bloating. Sounds uncomfortable doesn’t it? 

3. Sushi 

Sushi is a relatively lightweight meal option so you probably would think it’d be ideal as a pre-flight meal. However, due to its raw fish content, there is a potential risk of food poisoning. Whatever you may think, there is nearly nothing worse than being struck with a sickness bug when you’re in a confined space and 35,000 feet in the air. Is it worth the risk? In addition, soy sauce is naturally high in sodium, which can have a similar effect on your body that fried food would. Steer clear, we say!

Looking for more advice on how to make your flight easier? Read these 10 tips to get a great night’s sleep on a long haul flight. 

Lizzie Wilmot
Staff Writer, Home

Lizzie is T3's Home Living Staff Writer, covering the latest in style, wellness and beauty tech. From skincare gadgets to vacuum cleaners, she's your go-to for trends and top recommendations.

When not writing, Lizzie enjoys mooching around Bath, spending time with loved ones, or testing her review units – often during an enthusiastic cleaning spree!