Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 will fix these two BIG issues we had with the Galaxy Fold

More leaked details on the upcoming foldable suggest a much-improved design is in store

Samsung Galaxy Fold 2
(Image credit: Samsung)

Samsung is set to launch its follow-up to the Galaxy Fold this August based on what we've heard (unofficially) so far, and it really needs to knock it out of the park with the second iteration of the handset. 

The original Fold has some serious issues which delayed the launch, but Samsung managed to iron out the kinks and release a second, improved Galaxy Fold and followed it up with the fantastic Galaxy Z Flip that demonstrated that the Korean company does actually know what it's doing when it comes to foldables. 

One of the letdowns with the Fold was the size of the notch and bezel; for a smartphone designed to increase screen real estate, these features took up a lot of it. But it looks like that may not be something we have to worry ourselves about with the Fold 2.  

Samsung Twitter leaker Ice Universe - who has an established record for reliable intel - has claimed that the Galaxy Fold 2 will not only have a larger screen than its predecessor, but that both the notch and bezel will be smaller this time around too. 

The Galaxy Fold's screen measured 7.3-inches so the Fold 2 is going to offer a size upgrade that we'll really be able to appreciate when its in tablet mode. The thinner bezels will also add to the experience, making it a must for fans - as long as Samsung doesn't run into any more issues this time around. 

Ditching the notch for a hole-punch camera is something we're pleased as punch about - the notch on the Fold was pretty huge and detracted from the immersive tablet experience by hogging a significant portion of the screen.   

Rumours of the Galaxy Fold 2's design have been floating around for a few months now, and Ice Universe's tweet seems to corroborate a lot of what we've seen and heard so far. 

Hopefully we'll find out exactly what Samsung has in store in just a couple of months, when the Fold 2 makes its debut. 

Source: BGR

Shabana Arif

Shabana worked at as News Editor covering tech and gaming, and has been writing about video games for almost a decade (and playing them since forever). She's had bylines at major gaming sites during her freelance career before settling down here at T3, and has podcasts, streaming, and video content under her belt to boot. Outside of work, she also plays video games and should really think about expanding her hobbies. If you have any tech or gaming tips, shoot over an email or DM her on social media.